Call for Workshops
Nineteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
9-13 May 2020, Auckland, New Zealand

Important Dates
Proposal Submission: 24 October 2019
Notification: 7 November 2019
Conference Dates
Tutorials, Doctoral Consortium, Workshops: 9-10 May 2020
Main Conference: 11-13 May 2020
AAMAS2020 invites proposals for the Workshop Program, to be held on May 9-13, 2020, immediately prior to the technical AAMAS conference.
The objective of the AAMAS2020 workshop program is to stimulate and facilitate discussion, interaction, and comparison of approaches, methods, and ideas related to specific topics, both theoretical and applied, in the general area of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. The AAMAS2020 workshops will provide an informal setting where participants will have the opportunity to discuss specific technical topics in an atmosphere that fosters the active exchange of ideas and supports community development.
All members of the AAMAS community are invited to submit workshop proposals for review. We encourage workshops that focus on emerging topics and applications, on open research questions and challenges, and on broader topics that are of interest to a wider community. In addition, we also encourage workshops that have had previous editions in AAMAS, and that could attract communities that have been working in a same research area for some years.
Workshops can vary in length from half a day to two days, though we expect most to be one full day in duration. As attendance will be limited to registered participants, workshop organisers and attendees must register for their workshop, whose fee will be separate from the main conference fee. As in previous AAMAS editions, one free workshop registration will be offered for each accepted workshop. Workshop attendees do not need to register for the main AAMAS conference but are encouraged to do so.
AAMAS2020 reserves the right to cancel workshops whose attendance does not support their running costs.
Requirements for Submission
The workshop proposals should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file.
Items 1-10 should be a maximum of five pages in length, and should contain the following information:
- Title and acronym of the workshop.
- A brief technical description of the workshop, specifying the workshop’s goals, the technical issues that it will address, the relevance of the workshop to the main conference, together with a brief discussion of why and to whom the workshop is of interest.
- A preliminary workshop format and a proposed schedule for organising the workshop, including the desired length for the workshop. Please include a brief description of how the organisers intend to encourage an atmosphere appropriate for a workshop and indicate whether you intend to have any activities other than contributed talks (e.g., invited talks, panels, or posters).
- A list of related workshops held within the last three years, if any, and their relation to the proposed workshop. Please include, when information is available: when and where they have been offered in the past (i.e., with AAMAS or another conference), organisers’ names and affiliations, number of submitted/accepted papers, approximate attendance numbers, and follow-up publications (e.g., journal special issues). In particular for workshops that have had previous editions (even if they had different titles and were not held with AAMAS), please include a list of URLs of the websites of the previous editions.
- Description of the paper review process and acceptance standards.
- The names, affiliations, URLs, and email addresses of the proposed workshop organisers. This committee must consist of two to four people knowledgeable about the technical issues to be addressed. The organising committee should include individuals from multiple institutions, spreading across different regions. By submitting the workshop proposal, the organisers commit to fulfilling their responsibilities, outlined below in the “Responsibilities” section.
- The name of the primary contact for the organising committee.
- A list of potential program committee members, including their titles and affiliations.
- A tentative list of places (distribution lists, websites, journals, etc.) where the workshop is planned to be advertised.
- If available, a list of tentatively confirmed attendees.
In addition to the above items, please include one-page CVs for each of the organising committee members (not included in the 5-page limit). Please focus on the qualifications of the individual committee members with respect to organising an AAMAS workshop and including a list of key publications demonstrating scholarship in the field and a list of workshops previously arranged, if any. Note that strong proposals should include organisers who bring differing perspectives to the workshop topic and who are actively connected to the communities of potential participants.
Section Criteria
The selection of workshops for the final program will be based upon multiple factors, including the scientific/technical interest of the topics in relation to the AAMAS community, the clarity of the proposal in addressing the requested information, the innovative character of workshop topics, the cross-disciplinary nature of the workshop, the capacity of the organisers in leading a successful workshop, and the capacity of the conference workshop program. Please note that AAMAS may request proposers addressing similar or overlapping content areas to merge their proposals.
For all accepted proposals, AAMAS will be responsible for:
- Providing publicity for the workshop series as a whole.
- Providing logistic support and a meeting place for the workshop.
- Together with the organisers, determining the workshop date and time.
- AAMAS reserves the right to cancel workshops, for example in case of a low number of registrants.
- We plan to publish the best papers of AAMAS 2020 satellite workshops as a joint LNCS/LNAI post-proceedings. Although this provides an excellent opportunity to publish the best papers of the workshops that have no official proceedings, the authors of the accepted best papers of all workshops can decide whether they want to publish their papers (or an extension of them) in either the workshop’s proceedings or the joint proceedings.
Submission Instructions
Workshop proposals must be submitted via Confmaster, in the following link:
Please select the “Submissions” tab, and then upload your proposal by choosing “Submit a paper” item. Submissions are supposed to be in a single pdf file, not exceeding 5 pages (plus one-page CVs for each organizer).
Please send any inquiries to the AAMAS2020 Workshop Co-chairs:
Mehdi Dastani (
Jaime Sichman (