Accepted Papers
List of accepted Full Papers

Paper ID | Authors | Title |
888 | Naoyuki Kamiyama | On Stable Matchings with Pairwise Preferences and Matroid Constraints |
896 | Haris Aziz, Anton Baychkov, Peter Biro | Summer Internship Matching with Funding Constraints |
924 | Nathanaël Barrot, Nicolas Paget, Sylvaine Lemeilleur, Abdallah Saffidine | Peer Reviewing in Participatory Guarantee Systems: Modelisation and Algorithmic Aspects |
931 | Shangtong Zhang, Wendelin Boehmer, Shimon Whiteson | Deep Residual Reinforcement Learning |
932 | Yuan Luo, Nicholas R. Jennings | A Budget-Limited Mechanism for Category-Aware Crowdsourcing Systems |
935 | Pavel Naumov, Jia Tao | Duty to Warn in Strategic Games |
938 | Matthew Inkawhich, Yiran Chen, Hai Li | Snooping Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning |
964 | Samuel Christie, Amit Chopra, Munindar Singh | Refinement for Multiagent Information Protocols |
968 | Cinjon Resnick, Abhinav Gupta, Jakob Foerster, Andrew Dai, Kyunghyun Cho | Capacity, Bandwidth, and Compositionality in Emergent Language Learning |
977 | Grant Schoenebeck, Biaoshuai Tao, Fang-Yi Yu | Limitations of Greed: Influence Maximization in Undirected Networks Re-visited |
984 | Yaqing Lai, Wufan Wang, Yunjie Yang, Jihong Zhu, Minchi Kuang | Hindsight Planner |
992 | Yehia Abd Alrahman, Giuseppe Perelli, Nir Piterman | Reconfigurable Interaction for MAS Modelling |
1009 | Martin Bullinger |
Pareto-Optimality in Cardinal Hedonic Games |
1010 | Greg d’Eon, Kate Larson | Testing Axioms Against Human Reward Divisions in Cooperative Games |
1011 | Baihan Lin, Guillermo Cecchi, Djallel Bouneffouf, Jenna Reinen, Irina Rish | A Story of Two Streams: Reinforcement Learning Models from Human Behavior and Neuropsychiatry |
1012 | Ryan Beal, Georgios Chalkiadakis, Timothy Norman, Gopal Ramchurn | Optimising Game Tactics for Football |
1014 | Iago Bonnici, Abdelkader Gouaïch, Fabien Michel | Input Addition and Deletion in Reinforcement: Towards Learning with Structural Changes |
1017 | Rupert Freeman, Sujoy Sikdar, Rohit Vaish, Lirong Xia | Equitable Allocations of Indivisible Chores |
1019 | Changxi Zhu, Yi Cai, Ho-fung Leung, Shuyue Hu | Learning by Reusing Previous Advice in Teacher-Student Paradigm |
1020 | Ziyu Chen, Wenxin Zhang, Yanchen Deng, Dingding Chen, Qiang Li | RMB-DPOP: Refining MB-DPOP by Reducing Redundant Inference |
1030 | Christopher Leturc, Grégory Bonnet | A Deliberate BIAT Logic for Modeling Manipulations |
1055 | Aristide Tossou, Christos Dimitrakakis, Jaroslaw Rzepecki, Katja Hofmann | A Novel Individually Rational Objective In Multi-Agent Multi-Armed Bandit: Algorithms and Regret Bounds |
1060 | Mithun Chakraborty, Ayumi Igarashi, Warut Suksompong, Yair Zick | Weighted Envy-Freeness in Indivisible Item Allocation |
1062 | Yongjie Yang | On the Complexity of Destructive Bribery in Approval-Based Multiwinner Voting |
1065 | Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lesperance | Goal Formation through Interaction in the Situation Calculus: A Formal Account Grounded in Behavioral Science |
1074 | Eric Mazumdar, Lillian Ratliff, Michael Jordan, Shankar Sastry | Policy-Gradient Algorithms Have No Guarantees of Convergence in Linear Quadratic Games |
1079 | Sriram Ganapathi Subramanian, Matthew Taylor, Pascal Poupart, Nidhi Hegde | Multi Type Mean Field Reinforcement Learning |
1080 | Julie Porteous, Joao Ferreira, Alan Lindsay, Marc Cavazza | Extending Narrative Planning Domains with Linguistic Resources |
1082 | Andrei Lupu, Doina Precup | Gifting in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning |
1087 | Xinping Xu, Minming Li, Lingjie Duan | Strategyproof Mechanisms for Activity Scheduling |
1088 | Yanchao Sun, Furong Huang | Can Agents Learn by Analogy? An Inferable Model for PAC Reinforcement Learning |
1092 | Taoan Huang, Weiran Shen, David Zeng, Tianyu Gu, Rohit Singh, Fei Fang | Green Security Game with Community Engagement |
1094 | Mingde Zhao, Sitao Luan, Ian Porada, Xiao-Wen Chang, Doina Precup | META-Learning State-based Eligibility Traces for More Sample-Efficient Policy Evaluation |
1099 | Yihan Du, Siwei Wang, Longbo Huang | Dueling Bandits: From Two-dueling to Multi-dueling |
1108 | James Ault, Josiah Hanna, Guni Sharon | Learning an Interpretable Traffic Signal Control Policy |
1109 | Khoi Hoang, William Yeoh, Makoto Yokoo, Zinovi Rabinovich | New Algorithms for Continuous Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems |
1118 | Ling Pan, Qingpeng Cai, Longbo Huang | Multi-Path Policy Optimization |
1124 | Kentaro Yahiro, Makoto Yokoo | Student-Project-Resource Matching-Allocation Problems: Two-Sided Matching Meets Resource Allocation |
1127 | Oskar Skibski, Takamasa Suzuki, Tomasz Grabowski, Tomasz Michalak, Makoto Yokoo | Signed Graph Games: Coalitional Games with Friends, Enemies and Allies |
1131 | Tao Xiao, Zhengyang Liu, Wenhan Huang | On the Complexity of Sequential Posted Pricing |
1132 | Tao Xiao, Sujoy Sikdar | Size-Relaxed Committee Selection under the Chamberlin-Courant Rule |
1133 | Michael Dann, John Thangarajah, Yuan Yao, Brian Logan | Intention Aware Multi Agent Intention Scheduling |
1144 | Kobi Gal, Ta Duy Nguyen, Quang Nhat Tran, Yair Zick | Threshold Task Games: Theory, Platform and Experiments |
1145 | Xiaohui Bei, Shengxin Liu, Chung Keung Poon, Hongao Wang | Candidate Selections with Proportional Fairness Constraints |
1156 | Palash Dey, Sourav Medya | Manipulating Node Similarity Measures in Networks |
1157 | Kevin McKee, Edward Hughes, Joel Leibo, Ian Gemp, Brian McWilliams, Edgar Duéñez-Guzmán | Social Diversity and Social Preferences in Mixed-Motive Reinforcement Learning |
1175 | Jiarui Gan, Edith Elkind, Sarit Kraus, Michael Wooldridge | Mechanism Design for Defense Coordination in Security Games |
1183 | Xuming He, Haozhe Wang, Jiale Zhou | Learning Context-aware Task Reasoning for Efficient Meta Reinforcement Learning |
1189 | Artem Polyvyanyy, Zihang Su, Nir Lipovetzky, Sebastian Sardina | Goal Recognition Using Off-The-Shelf Process Mining Techniques |
1201 | Congcong Miao, Jilong Wang, Heng Yu, Weichen Zhang, Yinyao Qi | Trajectory-User Linking with Attentive Recurrent Network |
1203 | David Hostallero, Daewoo Kim, Sangwoo Moon, Kyunghwan Son, Wan Ju Kang, Yung Yi | Inducing Cooperation through Reward Reshaping based on Peer Evaluations in Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning |
1206 | Arthur Boixel, Ulle Endriss | Automated Justification of Collective Decisions via Constraint Solving |
1210 | Gabriel Istrate, Cosmin Bonchis, Claudiu Gatina | It’s not Whom You Know, it’s What You, or Your Friends, can Do: Coalitional Frameworks for Network Centralities |
1216 | Bo Li, Yingkai Li | Fair Resource Sharing and Dorm Assignment |
1219 | Wei Tang, Chien-Ju Ho, Yang Liu | Differentially Private Contextual Dynamic Pricing |
1226 | Sebastian Stein, Mateusz Ochal, Ioana-Adriana Moisoiu, Enrico Gerding, Raghu Ganti, Ting He, Tom La Porta | Strategyproof Reinforcement Learning for Online Resource Allocation |
1229 | Michael Sullins, Katja Hofmann, Ian Kash | Combining No-regret and Q-learning |
1240 | Ana-Andreea Stoica, Abhijnan Chakraborty, Palash Dey, Krishna Gummadi | Minimizing Margin of Victory for Fair Political and Educational Districting |
1246 | Han Ching Ou, Arunesh Sinha, Sze-Chuan Suen, Andrew Perrault, Alpan Raval, Milind Tambe | Who and When to Screen: Multi-Round Active Screening for Network Recurrent Infectious Diseases Under Uncertainty |
1247 | Silviu Pitis, Michael Zhang | Objective Social Choice: Using Auxiliary Information to Improve Voting Outcomes |
1250 | Edward Hughes, Tom Anthony, Tom Eccles, Joel Leibo, David Balduzzi, Yoram Bachrach | Learning to Resolve Alliance Dilemmas in Many-Player Zero-Sum Games |
1256 | Elise van der Pol, Thomas Kipf, Frans A. Oliehoek, Max Welling | Plannable Approximations to MDP Homomorphisms: Equivariance under Actions |
1258 | Akshat Tandon, Kamalakar Karlapalem | Capturing Oracle Guided Hiders |
1262 | Henger Li, Wen Shen, Zizhan Zheng | Spatial-Temporal Moving Target Defense: A Markov Stackelberg Game Model |
1267 | Harshavardhan Kamarthi, Priyesh Vijayan, Bryan Wilder, Balaraman Ravindran, Milind Tambe | Influence maximization in unknown social networks: Learning Policies for Effective Graph Sampling |
1268 | Xiaodong Nian, Athirai A. Irissappane, Diederik Roijers | DCRAC: Deep Conditioned Recurrent Actor-Critic for Multi-Objective Partially Observable Environments |
1272 | Felix Gervits, Dean Thurston, Ravenna Thielstrom, Terry Fong, Quinn Pham, Matthias Scheutz | Toward Genuine Robot Teammates: Improving Human-Robot Team Performance Using Robot Shared Mental Models |
1279 | Felix Brandt, Martin Bullinger | Finding and Recognizing Popular Coalition Structures |
1282 | Hongyao Ma, Reshef Meir, David C. Parkes, Elena Wu-Yan | Penalty Bidding Mechanisms for Allocating Resources and Overcoming Present-Bias |
1299 | Dustin Morrill, Ryan D’Orazio, James Wright, Michael Bowling | Solving Zero-Sum Imperfect Information Games Using Alternative Link Functions: An Analysis of $f$-Regression Counterfactual Regret Minimization |
1305 | Declan Oller, Tobias Glasmachers, Giuseppe Cuccu | Analyzing Reinforcement Learning Benchmarks with Random Weight Guessing |
1307 | Dhaval Parmar, Stefan Olafsson, Dina Utami, Prasanth Murali, Timothy Bickmore | Navigating the Combinatorics of Virtual Agent Design Space to Maximize Persuasion |
1309 | Chris Nota, Philip Thomas | Is the Policy Gradient a Gradient? |
1310 | Marc Neveling, Jörg Rothe | The Complexity of Cloning Candidates in Multiwinner Elections |
1311 | Yaodong Yang, Rasul Tutunov, Phu Sakulwongtana, Haitham Ammar | $\alpha^{\alpha}$-Rank: Practically Scaling $\alpha$-Rank through Stochastic Optimisation |
1316 | Soh Kumabe, Takanori Maehara | Convexity of Hypergraph Matching Game |
1317 | Fan Yang, Bruno Lepri, Wen Dong | Optimal Control in Partially Observable Complex Social Systems |
1318 | Enrique Areyan Viqueira, Cyrus Cousins, Amy Greenwald | Improved Algorithms for Learning the Equilibria of Simulation-Based Games |
1319 | Michael Akintunde, Elena Botoeva, Panagiotis Kouvaros, Alessio Lomuscio | Formal Verification of Neural Agents in Non-deterministic Environments |
1321 | Weiran Shen, Pingzhong Tang, Xun Wang, Yadong Xu, Xiwang Yang | Learning to Design Coupons in Online Advertising Market |
1322 | Pingzhong Tang, Xun Wang, Zihe Wang, Yadong Xu, Xiwang Yang | Optimized Cost per Mille in Feeds Advertising |
1333 | Maayan Shvo, Toryn Q. Klassen, Shirin Sohrabi, Sheila A. McIlraith | Epistemic Plan Recognition |
1358 | Frits de Nijs, Peter Stuckey | Risk-Aware Conditional Replanning for Globally Constrained Multi-Agent Sequential Decision Making |
1359 | Yasushi Kawase, Atsushi Iwasaki | Approximately Stable Matchings with General Constraints |
1361 | Jiaoyang Li, Kexuan Sun, Hang Ma, Ariel Felner, T. K. Satish Kumar, Sven Koenig | Moving Agents in Formation in Congested Environments |
1370 | Lillian Rigoli, Patrick Nalepka, Hannah Douglas, Rachel Kallen, Simon Hosking, Christopher Best, Elliot Saltzman, Michael Richardson | Employing Models of Human Social Motor Behavior for Artificial Agent Trainers |
1383 | Jiali Weng, Fuyuan Xiao, Zehong Cao | Uncertainty Modelling in Multi-agent Information Fusion Systems |
1387 | Golden Rockefeller, Shauharda Khadka, Kagan Tumer | Fitness Critics for Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithms |
1389 | Alessio Lomuscio, Edoardo Pirovano | Parameterised Verification of Strategic Properties in Probabilistic Multi-Agent Systems |
1390 | Edith Elkind, Piotr Faliszewski, Sushmita Gupta, Sanjukta Roy | Algorithms for Evaluating Candidate Success in Structured Elections |
1392 | Saaduddin Mahmud, Moumita Choudhury, Md. Mosaddek Khan, Long Tran-Thanh, Nicholas R. Jennings | AED: An Anytime Evolutionary DCOP Algorithm |
1395 | Wen Zhang, Dengji Zhao, Hanyu Chen | Redistribution Mechanism on Networks |
1401 | Daniel Hennes, Dustin Morrill, Shayegan Omidshafiei, Remi Munos, Julien Perolat, Marc Lanctot, Audrunas Gruslys, Jean-Baptiste Lespiau, Paavo Parmas, Edgar Duéñez-Guzmán, Karl Tuyls | Neural Replicator Dynamics: Multiagent Learning via Hedging Policy Gradients |
1403 | Charlie Street, Bruno Lacerda, Manuel Mühlig, Nick Hawes | Multi-Robot Planning Under Uncertainty with Congestion-Aware Models |
1407 | Jan Wöhlke, Felix Schmitt, Herke van Hoof | A Performance-Based Start State Curriculum Framework for Reinforcement Learning |
1412 | Alessandro Nuara, Francesco Trovò, Dominic Crippa, Nicola Gatti, Marcello Restelli | Driving Exploration by Maximum Distribution in Gaussian Process Bandits |
1414 | Justin Kruger, Zoi Terzopoulou | Strategic Manipulation with Incomplete Preferences: Possibilities and Impossibilities for Positional Scoring Rules |
1415 | Hian Lee Kwa, Jabez Leong Kit, Roland Bouffanais | Optimal Swarm Strategy for Dynamic Target Search and Tracking |
1421 | Ahana Ghosh, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Hamed Mahdavi, Adish Singla | Towards Deployment of Robust Cooperative AI Agents: An Algorithmic Framework for Learning Adaptive Policies |
1422 | Pengfei Wei, Xinghua Qu, Yiping Ke, Tze-Yun Leong, Yew Soon Ong | Adaptive Knowledge Transfer based on Transfer Neural Kernel Network |
1433 | Arambam James Singh, Akshat Kumar, Hoong Chuin Lau | Hierarchical Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Maritime Traffic Management |
1442 | Sirin Botan, Ulle Endriss | Majority-Strategyproofness in Judgment Aggregation |
1454 | David Klaška, Antonín Kučera, Vojtěch Řehák | Adversarial Patrolling with Drones |
1460 | Prathyush Sambaturu, Bijaya Adhikari, B. Aditya Prakash, Srinivasan Venkatramanan, Anil Vullikanti | Designing Near-Optimal Temporal Interventions to Contain Epidemics |
1466 | Léonard Hussenot, Matthieu Geist, Olivier Pietquin | CopyCAT: Taking Control of Neural Policies with Constant Attacks |
1477 | Gianlorenzo D’Angelo, Mattia D’Emidio, Shantanu Das, Alfredo Navarra, Giuseppe Prencipe | Leader Election and Compaction for Asynchronous Silent Programmable Matter |
1478 | Wen Zhang, Yao Zhang, Dengji Zhao | Collaborative Data Acquisition |
1484 | Tomasz Wąs, Marcin Waniek, Talal Rahwan, Tomasz Michalak | The Manipulability of Centrality Measures—An Axiomatic Approach |
1488 | Davide Azzalini, Alberto Castellini, Matteo Luperto, Alessandro Farinelli, Francesco Amigoni | HMMs for Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Robots |
1492 | Yaniel Carreno, {\`E}ric Pairet, Yvan Petillot, Ron Petrick | Task Allocation Strategy for Heterogeneous Robot Teams in Offshore Missions |
1493 | Florian Pescher, Nils Napp, Benoît Piranda, Julien Bourgeois | GAPCoD : A Generic Assembly Planner by Constrained Disassembly |
1495 | Stephanie Rosenthal, Laura Hiatt | Human-Centered Decision Support for Agenda Scheduling |
1499 | Thiago D. Simão, Romain Laroche, Rémi Tachet des Combes | Safe Policy Improvement with an Estimated Baseline Policy |
1500 | Yael Sabato, Amos Azaria, Noam Hazon | Viral vs. Effective: Utility Based Influence Maximization |
1505 | Riccardo Sartea, Georgios Chalkiadakis, Alessandro Farinelli, Matteo Murari | Bayesian Active Malware Analysis |
1526 | Zihe Wang, Weiran Shen, Song Zuo | Bayesian Nash Equilibrium in First-Price Auction with Discrete Value Distributions |
1527 | Alberto Marchesi, Francesco Trovò, Nicola Gatti | Learning Probably Approximately Correct Maximin Strategies in Simulation-Based Games with Infinite Strategy Spaces |
1532 | Grammateia Kotsialou, Luke Riley | Incentivising Participation in Liquid Democracy with Breadth-First Delegation |
1535 | Safwan Hossain, Nisarg Shah | Pure Nash Equilibria in Linear Regression |
1536 | Klaus Weber, Katharina Weitz, Kathrin Janowski, Niklas Rach, Wolfang Minker, Stefan Ultes, Elisabeth André | Predicting Persuasive Effectiveness for Multimodal Behavior Adaptation using Bipolar Weighted Argument Graphs |
1542 | Greg Trafton, Laura Hiatt, Ben Brumback, Malcolm McCurry | Using Cognitive Models to Train Big Data Models with Small Data |
1552 | Murat Cubuktepe, Zhe Xu, Ufuk Topcu | Policy Synthesis for Factored MDPs with Graph Temporal Logic Specifications |
1554 | Mirko Salaris, Francesco Amigoni, Alessandro Riva | Multirobot Coverage of Modular Environments |
1556 | Stanisław Szufa, Piotr Faliszewski, Piotr Skowron, Arkadii Slinko, Nimrod Talmon | Identifying a Representative Set of Elections |
1559 | John Harwell, London Lowmanstone, Maria Gini | Demystifying Emergent Intelligence And Its Effect On Performance In Large Robot Swarms |
1564 | Mohammadhosein Hasanbeig, Alessandro Abate, Daniel Kroening | SPARL: Safe PAdding in Reinforcement Learning |
1568 | Alex Raymond, Hatice Gunes, Amanda Prorok | Culture-Based Explainable Human-Agent Deconfliction |
1578 | Rui Silva, Miguel Vasco, Francisco Melo, Ana Paiva, Manuela Veloso | Playing Games in the Dark: An approach for cross-modality transfer in reinforcement learning |
1579 | Line van den Berg, Jérôme Euzenat, Manuel Atencia | Agent Ontology Alignment Repair through Dynamic Epistemic Logic |
1589 | Yash Satsangi, Sungsu Lim, Shimon Whiteson, Frans Oliehoek, Martha White | Maximizing Information Gain via Prediction Rewards |
1590 | Matheus Aparecido do Carmo Alves, Leandro Soriano Marcolino, Lukasz Pelcner, Shaling Li, Alex Collins | Real-time Learning and Planning in Environments with Swarms: A Hierarchical and a Parameter-based Simulation Approach |
1596 | Vinicius G. Goecks, Gregory M. Gremillion, Vernon J. Lawhern, John Valasek, Nicholas Waytowich | Integrating Behavior Cloning and Reinforcement Learning for Improved Performance in Dense and Sparse Reward Environments |
1599 | Yackolley Amoussou-Guenou, Bruno Biais, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Sara Tucci-Piergiovanni | Rational vs Byzantine Players in Consensus-based Blockchains |
1600 | Yihan Zhang, Lyon Zhang, Hanlin Wang, Michael Rubenstein, Fabián Bustamante | SwarmTalk — Towards Benchmark Software Suites for Swarm Robotics Platforms |
1601 | Andres Cristi, Tim Oosterwijk, Alkmini Sgouritsa, Antonios Antoniadis | A General Framework for Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing Mechanisms |
1602 | Mirgita Frasheri, Jose Cano-Garcia, Eva Gonzalez-Parada, Baran Çürüklü, Mikael Ekström, Alessandro Vittorio Papadopoulos, Cristina Urdiales | Adaptive Autonomy in Wireless Sensor Networks |
1607 | Baicen Xiao, Qifan Lu, Bhaskar Ramasubramanian, Andrew Clark, Linda Bushnell, Radha Poovendran | FRESH: Interactive Reward Shaping in High-Dimensional State Spaces using Human Feedback |
1608 | Xueguang Lu, Christopher Amato | Likelihood Quantile Networks for Coordinating Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning |
1610 | Kai Wang, Andrew Perrault, Aditya Mate, Milind Tambe | Scalable Game-Focused Learning of Adversary Models: Data-to-Decisions in Network Security Games |
1614 | Marc Serramia, Maite Lopez-Sanchez, Juan Antonio Rodriguez-Aguilar | A qualitative approach to composing value-aligned norm systems |
1616 | Thomy Phan, Thomas Gabor, Andreas Sedlmeier, Fabian Ritz, Bernhard Kempter, Cornel Klein, Horst Sauer, Reiner Schmid, Jan Wieghardt, Marc Zeller, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien | Learning and Testing Resilience in Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems |
1617 | Jan Buermann, Enrico Gerding, Baharak Rastegari | Fair Allocation of Resources with Uncertain Availability |
1630 | Goran Muric, Alexey Tregubov, Jim Blythe, Andres Abeliuk, Kristina Lerman, Divya Choudhary, Emilio Ferrara | Massive Cross-Platform Simulations of Online Social Networks |
1639 | Navyata Sanghvi, Ryo Yonetani, Kris Kitani | MGpi: A Computational Model of Multiagent Group Perception and Interaction |
1646 | Svetlana Obraztsova, Maria Polukarov, Edith Elkind, Marek Grzesiuk | Multiwinner Candidacy Games |
1647 | Carmine Spagnuolo, Alessia Antelmi, Gennaro Cordasco, Vittorio Scarano | A Design-Methodology for Epidemics Dynamics via Time-Varying Hypergraphs |
1648 | Dong Ki Kim, Miao Liu, Shayegan Omidshafiei, Sebastian Lopez-Cot, Matthew Riemer, Golnaz Habibi, Gerald Tesauro, Sami Mourad, Murray Campbell, Jonathan How | Learning Hierarchical Teaching Policies for Cooperative Agents |
1654 | Dorothea Baumeister, Ann-Kathrin Selker, Anaëlle Wilczynski | Manipulation of Opinion Polls to Influence Iterative Elections |
1662 | Anji Liu, Yitao Liang, Guy Van den Broeck | Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning with Analogous Disentangled Exploration |
1667 | Shaull Almagor, Morteza Lahijanian | Explainable Multi Agent Path Finding |
1674 | Grigory Neustroev, Mathijs de Weerdt | Generalized Optimistic Q-Learning with Provable Efficiency |
1678 | Nirav Ajmeri, Pradeep Kumar Murukannaiah, Munindar Singh, Hui Guo | Elessar: Ethics in Norm-Aware Agents |
1679 | Yaniv Oshrat, Noa Agmon, Sarit Kraus | Non-Uniform Policies for Multi-Robot Asymmetric Perimeter Patrol in Adversarial Domains |
1680 | Matteo Bellusci, Nicola Basilico, Francesco Amigoni | Multi-Agent Path Finding in Configurable Environments |
1685 | Lasse Peters, David Fridovich-Keil, Claire Tomlin, Zachary Sunberg | Inference-Based Strategy Alignment for General-Sum Differential Games |
1695 | Nicholas Zerbel, Kagan Tumer | The Power of Suggestion |
1696 | Sina Ghiassian, Banafsheh Rafiee, Yat Long Lo, Adam White | Improving Performance in Reinforcement Learning by Breaking Generalization in Neural Networks |
1712 | Hau Chan, Mohammad Irfan, Cuong Viet | Schelling Models with Localized Social Influence: A Game-Theoretic Framework |
1722 | Gabriel Ramos, Roxana Radulescu, Ann Nowé, Anderson Tavares | Toll-Based Learning for Minimising Congestion under Heterogeneous Preferences |
1736 | Connor Basich, Joydeep Biswas, Shlomo Zilberstein, Justin Svegliato, Kyle Wray, Stefan Witwicki | Learning to Optimize Autonomy in Competence-Aware Systems |
1740 | Geoffrey Pettet, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Mykel Kochenderfer, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Abhishek Dubey | On Algorithmic Decision Procedures in Emergency Response Systems in Smart and Connected Communities |
1753 | Nafisa Halim, Chris Kuhlman, Achla Marathe, Pallab Mozumder, Anil Vullikanti | Increasing evacuation during disaster events |
1754 | Gaurav Dixit, Kagan Tumer | Gaussian Processes as Multiagent Reward Models |
1758 | Yuushi Toyoda, Gale Lucas, Jonathan Gratch | The effects of autonomy and task meaning in algorithmic management of crowdwork |
1759 | Han Zheng, Jing Jiang, Pengfei Wei, Guodong Long, Chengqi Zhang | Competitive and Cooperative Heterogeneous Deep Reinforcement Learning |
1760 | Gilberto Antonio Marcon dos Santos, Julie A. Adams | Optimal Temporal Plan Merging |
1761 | Jiachen Yang, Igor Borovikov, Hongyuan Zha | Hierarchical Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Skill Discovery |
1762 | Peter McGlaughlin, Jugal Garg | Computing Competitive Equilibria with Mixed Manna |
1766 | Hedayat Zarkoob, Hu Fu, Kevin Leyton-Brown | Report-Sensitive Spot-Checking in Peer-Grading Systems |
1771 | David Kempe, Sixie Yu, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik | Inducing Equilibria in Networked Public Goods Games through Network Structure Modification |
1774 | Jinming Ma, Feng Wu | Feudal Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control |
1775 | Swapna Thorve, Zhihao Hu, Kiran Lakkaraju, Anil Vullikanti, Achla Marathe, Samarth Swarup | An Active Learning Method for the Comparison of Agent-based Models |
1780 | Divya Ramesh, Anthony Liu, Jean Song, Andres Echeverria, Nicholas Waytowich, Walter Lasecki | Yesterday’s Reward is Today’s Punishment: Contrast Effects in Human Feedback to Reinforcement Learning Agents |
1783 | Stefan Olafsson, Byron Wallace, Timothy Bickmore | Towards a Computational Framework for Automating Substance Use Counseling with Virtual Agents |
1784 | Aizhong Zhou, Jiong Guo | Parameterized Complexity of Shift Bribery in Iterative Elections |
1792 | Behnam Torabi, Rym Zalila-Wenkstern, Robert Saylor, Patrick Ryan | Deployment of a Multi-Agent Traffic Signal Timing System |
1803 | Aniket Murhekar, Ruta Mehta | Approximate Nash Equilibria of Imitation Games: Algorithms and Complexity |
1813 | Abhimanyu Dubey, Alex Pentland | Privacy and Byzantine-Tolerance in Cooperative Decision-Making |
1815 | Paul Pu Liang, Jeffrey Chen, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Louis-Philippe Morency, Satwik Kottur | On Emergent Communication in Competitive Multi-Agent Teams |
1823 | Meghna Lowalekar, Pradeep Varakantham, Patrick Jaillet | Competitive Ratios for Online Multi-capacity Ridesharing |
1826 | Soumyajit Paul, Balaguru Srivathsan, Hugo Gimbert | A Bridge between Polynomial Optimization and Games with Imperfect Recall |
1870 | Jingchang Sun, Pingzhong Tang, Yulong Zeng | Games of Miners |
1887 | Merlinda Andoni, Valentin Robu, Wolf-Gerrit Fruh, David Flynn | Strategic Decision-Making for Power Network Investments with Distributed Renewable Generation |
1891 | Manel Rodriguez-Soto, Maite Lopez-Sanchez, Juan Antonio Rodriguez-Aguilar | A structural solution to sequential moral dilemmas |
1894 | Salvatore La Torre, Gennaro Parlato | On the Model-Checking of Branching-time Temporal Logic with BDI Modalities |
1904 | Bram Renting, Catholijn Jonker, Holger Hoos | Automated Configuration of Negotiation Strategies |
Paper ID | Authors | Title |
12 | Oren Salzman , Roni Stern * | Research Challenges and Opportunities in Multi-Agent Path Finding and Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery Problems |
16 | Virginia Dignum, Frank Dignum | Agents are Dead. Long live Agents! |
21 | Vahid Yazdanpanah * , Sara Mehryar , Nicholas R. Jennings , Swenja Surminski , Martin Siegert , Jos van Hillegersberg | Multiagent Climate Change Research |
22 | Dorothea Baumeister * , Tobias Hogrebe , Jörg Rothe | Towards Reality: Smoothed Analysis in Computational Social Choice |
32 | Candice Schumann , Jeffrey Foster , Nicholas Mattei , John Dickerson * | We Need Fairness and Explainability in Algorithmic Hiring |
33 | Sara Bernardini * , Ferdian Jovan , Zhengyi Jiang , Peiman Moradi , Tom Richardson , Rasoul Sadeghian , Sina Sareh , Simon Watson , Andrew Weightman | A Multi-Robot Platform for the Autonomous Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms |
34 | Samarth Swarup * , Henning Mortveit | Live Simulations |
38 | Pradeep Kumar Murukannaiah * , Nirav Ajmeri , Catholijn Jonker , Munindar Singh | New Foundations of Ethical Multiagent Systems |