Current News & Events

April 01, 2020
AAMAS Revised Registration and Refund Policy
Free conference attendance: Videos of the presentations will be publicly available on for the duration of 2020.
Remove the 15% cancellation fee: Since the virtual conference will be free for everyone, we’re just refunding registrants without papers. Banquet tickets will get refunded as well as workshop/tutorial registrations.
Free workshop/tutorials (authors included): Workshops/tutorials will continue at the discretion of their organizers; they’ll be free for everyone to attend, and authors will not have to pay to have their papers appear in any post-conference workshop volumes.
We’ll still have to charge article processing charges to people with papers in the conference proceedings. There will be two tiers:
- Full paper: charged at 680 NZD (the original student registration price)
- Other (includes extended abstracts, Blue Sky, JAAMAS, doctoral mentoring, and demo papers) charged at 340 NZD
One registration can still cover multiple papers; authors will pay the max rather than the sum of the registration fees. So if you had a full paper and an extended abstract you will pay the full paper price. A registered paper can be presented by any author, whether they are the registered author or not. The new system is available online now.
EventDynamics (our conference organizer) will be processing refunds for those of you who have registered already over the next two weeks, based on the paper ID information that was entered. In the cases where multiple authors have been registered for the same paper, the extra registrations will be refunded.
If you have paid for your registration, you don’t need to do anything. Event Dynamics will amend your registration and refund you the difference, including any accommodation and dinner tickets. You will receive a receipt of the refund in the next few weeks. If you haven’t yet paid for your registration, Event Dynamics will be in contact with an updated invoice and a payment link so you can pay for your registration with credit card.
All authors should plan to register before May 1st. If your employer is not able to approve payment before AAMAS, please register without paying and advise us of your situation.
March 18, 2020
New Zealand has announced new restrictions requiring travelers to self-isolate for 14 days upon entry into the country in an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus. These restrictions are unlikely to be lifted in time to hold the AAMAS conference in person in May.
Our organizing committee is very disappointed not to be able to hold AAMAS in person. We are preparing to move to a virtual only conference using the platform and will post the schedule by the beginning of April.
March 10, 2020
Good news—-the AAMAS 2020 conference will run as scheduled in Auckland, NZ May 9-13.
Due to the likelihood that some authors will not be able to attend the conference due to COVID-19 travel guidelines, AAMAS will offer remote presentation options. We are partnering with to capture all of the AAMAS content in their video library which will be freely available through 2020. This option will be available to all authors (full and extended abstract papers), Blue Sky, JAAMAS, doctoral mentoring, and demo. Full paper authors who present in person at the conference will be recorded at the conference. Authors who can’t attend in person will be able to use’s software to record their presentations in advance. During the actual conference, we hope to offer some live streaming options and question/answer sessions for remote attendees.
To have your papers published in the ACM digital library and video library, each paper must have at least one registered author. The early registration deadline will be extended through April 1st, and all authors must register by that point to have their papers included. This is the first time AAMAS will be held with a mix of in person and virtual sessions. We’ll keep you posted as we develop our conference schedule and notify you when releases their video capture software.
Above all, follow your institution and country’s travel guidelines and health precautions. We’re hopeful that the situation will improve but please consider your safety first when planning your travel.
March 4, 2020
We’ve received many inquiries from people about the impact of COVID-19 on AAMAS 2020. At this point, the IFAAMAS board is voting on how to proceed regarding cancelling, rescheduling the conference, or holding the conference as planned.
We will inform you about the results of the vote by Mar 9th. Until that time, please don’t make any additional travel arrangements. In all cases the proceedings will be published, and one author of each paper will be required to register for the conference to have the paper appear in the proceedings.
Please Note: due to the outbreak of Covid-19. New Zealand government is currently applying travel bans for travellers from a few regions. For more information regarding the travel restrictions, please refer to the following links for details:
Immigration New Zealand’s FAQs for travellers here:
Advice for Travellers: