Submission Instructions
Nineteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
9-13 May 2020, Auckland, New Zealand

Please use the AAMAS 2020 paper submission system (click the button above) to submit your paper (in PDF format). The instructions for how to register and submit your paper will be provided at the submission site. In order to register your paper (deadline 12nd of November, 2019), you will need to provide basic information about the submission including its title, abstract, keywords, and author(s). You do not need to upload the full PDF for registering a paper submission, but the full PDF must be uploaded before the paper submission deadline (15th of November, 2019).
Note: The submission system closes for abstract and paper submission at 23:59 UTC-12 on the 12nd and 15th of November, respectively.
Authors are encouraged to reference and discuss all published literature relevant to the paper, including their own. To ensure the effectiveness of the double-blind review process, authors are requested to ensure the paper registration number (provided upon paper registration) is used on the front page instead of the author names. In addition, authors are requested to ensure that any references to their own previous work are made in a way that does not disclose their identity. For example, instead of “in previous work, we have shown X [ref]” authors are asked to consider expressions such as “X was shown in [ref]”. Authors are also asked to ensure that the PDF file submitted does not contain embedded identifying information. Also, please make sure any references to things like project/group names or webpages do not give away the authors’ identity. Identifying information can be added at the authors’ discretion in the final version of the paper.
If part of the work has been previously published, authors are strongly encouraged to cite and compare/contrast the new contributions with the parts that were already published before. The paper must substantially extend the previously published work.
Formatting Instructions
The page limit for AAMAS 2020 full-paper submissions is 8 pages, with any additional pages containing only bibliographic references.
Papers submitted to the Blue Sky special track must not exceed 4 pages (except for the bibliographic references, which are unlimited).
The AAMAS format follows the ACM ‘SigConf’ proceedings guidelines ( Authors are encouraged to use the LaTeX style file (aamas.cls) provided for formatting AAMAS 2020 submissions. The AAMAS style file should be used for both full papers (8 pages plus extra pages with only bibliographic references if needed), Blue Sky papers (4 pages plus extra pages with only bibliographic references) as well as JAAMAS papers (2 pages plus bibliographic references). A sample latex file is provided here: For special tracks, uncomment the relevant subtitle line (see the sample latex file). The ACM categories, subject descriptors and keywords are not needed in the PDF.
There is also an ACM Word template but LaTeX is strongly preferred (and remember that only PDF files can be uploaded). Authors who choose to prepare their paper in Word format are responsible for adapting the ACM format: the copyright area should read “Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2020), B. An, N. Yorke-Smith, A. El Fallah Seghrouchni, G. Sukthankar (eds.), May 2020, Auckland, New Zealand. © 2020 International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems ( All rights reserved.” The ACM categories, subject descriptors and keywords are not needed in the PDF. Questions may be addressed to the Publications Chair.
Please do not modify the style files or any layout parameters.
To ensure all submissions are treated fairly and equally, authors are asked to follow all the instructions above. Submitted papers might be rejected without reviewing if they do not adhere to all the above requirements.
Policy on multiple and previous submissions:
Authors may not submit any paper to AAMAS 2020 that has already appeared in an archival forum. Authors must ensure that no submission to AAMAS 2020 is under review for another archival forum between the AAMAS 2020 submission and decision dates.
Policy on harassment at the conference environment:
IFAAMAS is committed to organising the AAMAS conference and its affiliated events in an environment that is free of harassment for everyone involved: delegates, organisers, conference workers, and reviewers. All participants in IFAAMAS events are asked to embrace our intention to foster a harassment-free scientific community, and to understand that IFAAMAS will respond appropriately to incidents of harassment if they occur. The complete IFAAMAS harassment policy is available at: .
For further details about AAMAS 2020, please visit the website at: